
Our children are our love for life. We accompany them throughout their lives, so to speak. We are their heroes, their teachers, their listeners. But let\’s go back to the little children. Children are just getting to know the world, and sometimes it is not as easy as we think. There are so many emotions they don\’t know yet, and they need to know them. Aside from little children who don\’t understand, even we adults often don\’t know how to handle our emotions. And fear is a very difficult emotion. How can a small child deal with fear? That\’s why we parents are here. To help and assist our children in overcoming their fears.


A child\’s fears should not be taken lightly. Children may encounter many obstacles during their growth and development that they cannot overcome on their own. They may become frightened, frightened, and even cry a lot. We all know that babies are afraid of loud noises, such as banging, objects falling over, and the cries of others. They cry with tears because they do not know these sounds. They are completely foreign to them. But as children grow and explore their surroundings, they gradually become accustomed to the sounds. For older children, it doesn\’t have to be just loud noises. Have you ever heard of separation anxiety? Children can have separation anxiety or fear, even toward strangers. They may also be afraid of animals and other things around them.


I remember as a child being afraid of my own shadow. Well, you should have seen it. It\’s not hard to imagine that the repercussions were huge. Fear was followed by hysteria, and when it still got out of control, I followed it home, crying a lot. It\’s a funny story now that I think about it, but I would never want my children to go through that. Back then, it wasn\’t because of education or upbringing, but because of common sense and the advice of my old grandmother. How did you grow up? Don\’t cry, you\’re welcome! And that\’s how it was.