The beauty of love
Do you believe in love at first sight? If I asked my grandmother and my grandfather like this, they would say that love at first sight exists of course, only this should not apply to me and my friend or my friend\’s friend, because of course we also want to be in love and we think that maybe sometimes love at first sight exists. But how many times do I hear that this is the opposite, that love at first sight simply does not exist, that supposedly many people fall deeply in love over time, therefore it is logically impossible to fall in love at first sight. You can fall in love with someone at first sight, but that is not love. Love is something else entirely. Love is this really, really deep emotion that you feel and perceive when you\’re really, really deeply in love, and you know what it looks like when you\’re really, really deeply in love?
That you have constant butterflies in your stomach, you\’re not hungry. And yes, you hear right and you read right that you are not hungry when you are in love, because our body when it is in love has a really very strongly engorged stomach and it is the engorged stomach that causes us not to be hungry. So if you\’re really very much in love or you\’re freshly in love, supposedly you\’ll lose pounds, you won\’t even know how because supposedly you won\’t have a craving for sweets or food.
That\’s why I figured that actually being in love like that pays off. It pays to be in love, so I thought it would be nice if people would also take care of their love or fight for it. It\’s just that nowadays it\’s really so complicated that many people, for example, in any small quarrel or exchange of opinions, would rather break up than solve any problems. This is really a pity, because if maybe people break up because of stupid things or small things, then they can take over and they can stay alone for the rest of their lives.