What to do to make my apartment mine, not ours

After searching for a place to live together for so long and finding a love nest, no trace of love remains and all that is left is an empty, sad apartment that is a constant reminder of a failed relationship and you feel uncomfortable there No?

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To regain control of your space and feel comfortable again, you need to take three necessary steps: 1.

1.Deep clean

2. 22] Remove all remnants

3.Add new color or light

Deep clean should really be done consistently. Vacuuming and dusting shelves here and there is not enough. Put on work pants, roll up your sleeves, grab a bucket and a rag, and sweep away spiders, no matter how obscure the corner. Do not leave your ex-partner\’s fingerprints anywhere.

The second step requires a great deal of restraint and determination. While it may be painful to get rid of all of your memories, you are distracting yourself from moving forward in life by clinging to material things. Memories are stored safely in your mind, and no one can retrieve them from there. So, remove all of your ex-partner\’s belongings that he didn\’t take with him, anything he bought for the apartment that you don\’t use, and any decorations (recommended: recycle! Donate or give everything you get rid of to a charity or recycle store.
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The third step is already worthwhile. Next comes your creativity and ingenuity. Add a new color to your apartment. Paint the walls. Buy colorful accessories in your favorite colors and, if the opportunity arises, let more light into your apartment. Buy new lamps. Replace light fixtures with brighter ones. Place candles throughout your apartment or buy transparent or brighter curtains.

If you are still hesitant about whether all this effort is worth the investment, imagine how much time, energy, and money you would have to sacrifice if you took the more drastic step of moving. Isn\’t it worth a try?