When love disappears…

Perhaps you have seen couples whose love has disappeared. What does such a couple look like? For example, they don\’t communicate as much as they used to, they don\’t make eye contact as often, they prefer to be in different rooms, etc. There are many signs that love is cooling.

How do you deal with these situations? If neither party makes any effort to overcome the crisis in the relationship and make it better again, the only solution is to end the relationship. Sometimes there is no other way, and in the end, ending the relationship in question may be much better for both parties.

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Some people even find that they are truly happier without their partner that day because they are not bound by anyone and are free beyond their needs. After a while, they still feel the same way and may even decide to stay alone until they die because solitude is comfortable. They don\’t have to tell anyone where they are going or what time they will be back, or they can order whatever they want without feeling bad because the other person didn\’t want anything. There are certainly advantages to that. [because] living alone is better for me.

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But some people take a year off and then try to find someone else. But in the end, they may end up finding exactly the same kind of partner again. In this case, too, there will be zero freedom, and you will feel as if you have to constantly announce where you are or are not, and not everyone feels comfortable with that.

Sometimes love can be saved, but sometimes it is no longer possible. How two people feel is very important, and if they feel they are better off alone, then separation is the only option and freedom for them.